Dr. Philip Sobash

Dr. Philip Sobash
7 min readJul 2, 2021


Dr. Philip Sobash has enjoyed a celebrated career as an internal medicine resident at White River Medical Center in Arkansas. He received his MD from the Medical University of South Carolina College of Medicine and has contributed to over a dozen medical journals over the years. He played football and golf in high school and was also a class representative in student government. His hometown is Irmo, South Carolina. He has lived in Ohio, Tennessee, and Georgia also. He attended Ben Lippen High School in Columbia, South Carolina. In his spare time, his interests include watching college football, photography, vintage watch collecting, culinary skills, and behavioral psychology.

Curriculum Vitae


Johns Hopkins University Baltimore, MD

Master of Biotechnology Enterprise And Entrepreneurship


Medical University of South Carolina Charleston, SC

Doctor of Medicine


Medical University of South Carolina Charleston, SC

Graduate Certificate — Biomedical Sciences


Clemson University Clemson, SC

B.S. in Biological Sciences — cum laude


Medical Training

White River Health System Batesville, AR

Internal Medicine Residency 2022

Medical University of South Carolina Charleston, SC

Doctor of Medicine 2018

Professional Positions

WRHS Scholarly Activity Committee

Co-Founder & Committee Member


WRHS Graduate Medical Education Committee

PGY1 Representative

PGY2 Representative




1. Vedala, K., Sobash, PT, Shah, P., Kamoga, G.R. Does Fecal Microbiota Transplant Have a Role in Treating Recurrent Clostridium Difficile Infection in rural Hospitals? Accepted into Frontiers in Public Health.

2. Whyte, S., Vedala, K. Sobash, P.T., Vedala, R., Gonugunta, K. Appropriate Usage of Continuous Cardiac Monitoring in the Inpatient Setting: A Literature Review. Archives of Internal Medicine Research 4 (2021): 062–065.

3. Sobash PT, Kolhe R, Karim NA, Guddati AK, Jillella A, Kota V. Role of indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase in acute myeloid leukemia. Future Oncol. 2020 Sep 25. doi: 10.2217/fon-2019–0642. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 32976029.

4. Alkhatib, H.A., Gebreamlak, W.T., Tedeschi, D.J., Mihailidis, D., Wright, B.W., Neglia, W.J., Sobash, P.T., Fontenot, J.D. Output calculation of electron therapy at extended SSD using an improved LBR method. Medical Physics. 2015, Feb; 42(2): 735–740. PMID:25652487.

Case Reports

1. Sawalha,K.;Sobash,P.T.; Kamoga, G.-R. A Rare Cause of Drug-Induced Pancytopenia:

Trimethoprim–Sulfamethoxazole- Induced Pancytopenia. Clin. Pract. 2021,11,358–362. https://doi.org/ 10.3390/clinpract11020050

2. Vedala, K. Sobash P.T., Alheyak, S. Kakkera, K. A Case of Extensive Granulation: An Ignored

Tracheostomy. Accepted to Case Reports and Reviews: Open Access. 2021;2(1):119.

3. Shah P, Sobash PT, Vedala K, Kakkera K, Kamoga GR. An Uncommon Case of Secondary Organizing Pneumonia Due to Influenza Type B. Clin Pract. 2021 Mar 10;11(1):174–177. doi:

10.3390/clinpract11010024. PMID: 33802037; PMCID: PMC8006149.

4. Sobash P.T., Vedala K, Kamoga, GR. Utilization of Tranexamic Acid for Recurrent Angioedema after ARB Discontinuation: A case report and review of the literature. Archives of Clinical and Medical Case Reports. 2021; 5 (1): 204–209 DOI: 10.26502/acmcr.96550347

5. Sobash PT, Vedala K, McClain CM III, Oster C. Electrolyte Replacement in Bartter Syndrome With Abnormal Small Bowel: A Case Report. J Investig Med High Impact Case Rep. 2020 Jan-

Dec;8:2324709620982440. doi: 10.1177/2324709620982440. PMID: 33349065; PMCID: PMC7758653.

6. Vedala K, Sobash PT, Johnson D, Kakkera K. Not All That Shines on a PET Scan Is Cancer: A Silicone- Induced Granuloma Masquerading as Malignancy. Clin Pract. 2020 Dec 29;11(1):8–12. Doi: 10.3390/clinpract11010003. PMID: 33599216; PMCID: PMC7774518.

7. Vedala K, Sobash PT, Wang S, Kamoga GR. Capitalism is groovy, but at what cost? J Community Hosp Intern Med Perspect. 2020 Oct 29;10(6):546–548. doi: 10.1080/20009666.2020.1803606. PMID: 33194126; PMCID: PMC7599026.

8. Desikan SP, Sobash P, Fisher A, Desikan R. Statin-Induced Rhabdomyolysis Due to Pharmacokinetic Changes From Biliary Obstruction in a Patient With Metastatic Prostate Cancer. J Investig Med High Impact Case Rep. 2020;8:2324709620947275. doi:10.1177/2324709620947275

9. Sobash P.T., Guddati AK, Kota V. Management of a 75-Year-Old Lady with Refractory Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia. Case Rep Oncol. 2020;13(2):534‐537. Published 2020 May 13. doi:10.1159/000506895

10. Sobash P.T., Guddati AK, Kota V. Long-Term Use of Ruxolitinib in an AML Patient with Posttransplant Steroid Refractory GVHD. Case Rep Oncol Med. 2020;2020:4936846. Published 2020 Apr 6. doi:10.1155/2020/4936846

11. Helm, M., Sobash, P. Sohini, V., Joseph, S. Management of Large Cervical Thyroid Goiters. Acta Scientific Cancer Biology 2.1 (2018): 08–11


1. Vedala, K., Sobash P.T., Kamoga, G.R. Living In Fear. ACP Hospitalist

Oral Presentations

1. Sobash P.T., Wang, S., Jeuking, C., Vedala, K., Kamoga, G.R. (February 2021) An Unexplainable Case of Myocarditics after COVID Like Symptoms. Oral presentation at 2021 Southern Regional Meeting.

2. Sobash P.T., Desikan, S.P., Fish A., Desikan R. (September 2020) Lower Limb Weakness in Prostate Cancer. Oral presentation at ACP Arkansas Annual Scientific Meeting. Little Rock, AR

Poster Presentations

1. Sobash, P.T., Vedala, K. Desikan, R. A Case of Chordoma Mimicking a Pancoast Tumor. (May 2021) Poster presented at 2021 American Thoracic Society Annual Meeting.

2. Vedala, K. Sobash. P.T., Alheyek, S., Kakkera, K. Check In On Tracheostomies: A Case of Extensive Granlution. (May 2021) Poster presented at 2021 American Thoracic Society Annual Meeting.

3. Telemaque, K. Sobash, P.T. Wang, S. Kunnumpurath, A. Don’t Forget Your ABC’s: A Case of Acute Adult Supraglottitis Due to Group A Streptococcus. (April 2021) Poster presented at 2021 SGIM Annual Meeting

4. Vedala, K. Sobash, P.T. Wang, S. Kamoga, G.R. Inception and Creation of a Scholarly Activity Committee: A Community Residency Program Experience. (April 2021) Poster presented at 2021

Southern Medical Association Physicians-in-Training Leadership Conference

5. Sobash, P.T., Karim, N.A. Survival Benefit of Adjuvant Chemotherapy in Pulmonary Carcinoid: A systematic Review. (March 2021). Poster presented at the 2021 NCCN Annual Conference. Orlando, FL

6. Sobash, P.T. Vedala, K., McClain III, C., Oster, C. A Case of Bartter Syndrome with Small Bowel Resection. (December 2020) Poster presented at 2020 AMA Research Symposium. San Diego, CA, USA

7. Sobash, P.T., Desikan R., McClain III, C., Kakkera, K. Single Dose Durvalumab Induced Sarcoidosis Like Reaction with Granuloma in NSCLC (October 2020). Poster presented at: Chest Annual Conference 2020. Chicago, IL, USA

8. Sobash, P.T., Vedala, K., Kamoga, G.R. (April 2020) Tranexamic Acid Utilization In ARB-Induced Angioedema. Poster accepted at: 2020 Society of Hospital Medicine. San Diego, California, USA

9. Shah, P. Sobash, P.T., Vedala, K., Kakkera, K. Kamoga, G.R. (April 2020) An Unusual Case of Cryptogenic Organizing Pneumonia Caused by Influenzae Type B. Poster accepted at: 2020 Society of Hospital Medicine. San Diego, California, USA

10. Sobash, P.T. Kota, V. (February 2020) A Case of Refractory CML with Incomplete Molecular Remission. Poster Presented at the SGIM and ACP Proud to be GIM Symposium, White River Health System, Batesville, AR, USA.

11. Sobash, P.T., Kota, V. (November 2019) Long Term Ruxolitinib use in srGVHD: A Challenge for Providers. Poster presented at: 2019 AMA EXPO Research Symposium. San Diego, California, USA

12. Sobash, P., Helm, J.M., Everette, A., Sohini, V., McClure, M. (April, 2018) Point of Care Ultrasound By First Responders In Rural Settings Can Identify Injuries and Change Triage Decision-Making. Poster presented at: Southwestern Surgical Congress 70 th Annual Meeting. Napa, California, USA.

13. Sobash, P.T. Tiedeken, J.A. Grauzam, S.E. Rosenzweig, S.A. (November, 2014). Inhibition of Receptor Mediated Pathways in Head and Neck Cancer Poster presented at: The Perry V. Halushka MUSC Student Research Day; Charleston, SC, USA.

14. Rosenzweig, S.A. Holmes, C.O. Brock, A.M. Sobash, P.T. Tiedeken, J.A. (July, 2014). Role of MICAL1 in NEDD9 Invasive Signaling Oral Presentation presented at: 5th World Congress of the International Federation of Head and Neck Oncologic Societies (IFHNOS) and joint Annual Meeting of the American Head and Neck Society (AHNS); New York, NY, USA.

15. Alkhatib, H. Gebreamlak, W. Sobash, P. (July, 2014). Electron output Calculation at Extended SSD Poster presented at: The American Association of Physicists in Medicine Annual Meeting; Austin, TX, USA.

16. Alkhatib, H. Oves S. Tsang, B. Neglia, W. Sobash, P. (July, 2014). Retroactive Calculation of TLD and Film Dose in Anthropomorphic Phantom as Assessment of Updated TPS Performance Poster presented at: The American Association of Physicists in Medicine Annual Meeting; Austin, TX, USA.

17. Holmes, C.O. Tiedeken, J.A. Brock, A.M. Sobash, P.T. Rosenzweig, S.A. (April, 2014). Role of MICAL1 in NEDD invasive signaling Poster presented at: American Association for Cancer Research Annual Meeting; San Diego, CA, USA.

18. Sobash, P.T. Holmes, C.O. Tiedeken, J.A. Rosenzweig, S.A. (November, 2013). NEDD9:MICAL Interactions Lead to Posttranslational Modifications of MICAL in HNSCC Cells Poster presented at: The Perry V. Halushka MUSC Student Research Day; Charleston, SC, USA.

19. Holmes, C.O. Tiedeken, J.A. Brock, A.M. Sobash, P.T. Rosenzweig, S.A. (November, 2013). Role of MICAL1 in Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma Poster presented at: MUSC Hollings Cancer Center Research Retreat; Charleston, SC, USA.

20. Holmes, C.O. Brock, A.M. Sobash, P.T. Rosenzweig, S.A. (May, 2013). Role of NEDD9 in IGF-1R signaling in Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma Poster presented at: National Clinical and Translational Sciences Pre-doctoral Meeting; Rochester, MN, USA.

21. Sobash, P. Kutlar, F. Brown, H.C. Clair, B. Kutlar, A. (December, 2011). BCL11A Polymorphism and HbF Responsiveness to Hydroxyurea in Adult Patients with Sickle Cell Disease Poster presented at: American Society of Hematology’s Annual Conference; San Diego, CA, USA

Academic Awards

2021 Southern Society for Clinical Investigation SRM Cardiovascular Case Report Award

2020 ACP Arkansans Scientific Meeting 2020: 3 rd place Oral Clinical Vignette

2020 WRHS Oral Presentation Competition Winner

MUSC Summer Health Professions Research Fellowship

Professional Organization Memberships

American Thoracic Society (ATS)

American Society of Hematology (ASH)

American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO)

American College of Physicians (ACP)

Society of Hospital Medicine (SHM)

Society of General Internal Medicine (SGIM)

American Medical Association (AMA)

Teaching Experience

Guest Speaker

Clemson University

BIOL 4890/4891 Clinical Applications & Medical Practice 2018-Present

Medical University of South Carolina

Summer Institute Tutor 2014

Supplemental Instructor 2013–2014

Clemson University

Supplemental Instructor 2011–2012

Work Experience

White River Health System

Internal Medicine Resident 2019–2022

Augusta University

Research Associate 2018–2019

Medical University of South Carolina

Rosenzweig Lab Research Associate 2014–2015

Supplemental Instructor 2012–2014

Summer Institute Tutor 2014

Clemson University

Supplemental Instruction Leader 2011–2012

South Carolina Oncology Associates

Medical Assistant 2006–2008

Personal Interests

College Football Photography Vintage Watch Collecting

Culinary Skills Behavioral Psychology



Dr. Philip Sobash
Dr. Philip Sobash

Written by Dr. Philip Sobash


Dr. Philip Sobash is a Medical Doctor currently working in Internal Medicine in Batesville, Arkansas for White River Health System